United Pow Wow

25th Annual United Pow Wow in Omak May 4


Native American drummers and dancers will gather on Saturday, May 4, for the 25th Annual United Pow Wow at the Omak Tribal Long House. The public is invited to this free event, which includes afternoon and evening grand entries and a dinner.

This year, the pow wow's theme is anti-bullying. The Native Language Class at Omak High School created the slogan: "Unite Against Bullying: tlxWkwunm  tlᴗaspu?us (Speak from your heart). We have no word for bullying in our language!" The United Pow Wow committee will hand out a limited number of t-shirts printed with the slogan to those participants who pledge to be drug and alcohol free.

The first grand entry will begin at 1 p.m., with dinner following at 5 p.m., and an evening grand entry at 7 p.m. Vaughn Eagle Bear will serve as master of ceremonies. Shonto Pete will be the arena director.

All drummers and dancers are welcome, and host drums will be chosen at each session.

This drug- and alcohol-free event is funded by the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation through a grant from the Gathering of Native Americans (GONA), the tribe's Drug and Alcohol Program, and Omak CART. It is sponsored by the Wenatchee Valley College at Omak Red Road Association, the Omak School District Salish Language class, Qsapai Project, and Omak CART.

For more information, contact Livia Millard at 509.422.7814, Emily Abrahamson at 509.826.8520, or Linda Saint at 509.322.2315.
